A review of Weavers Mill by Maureen Dehany written on Thursday 20th of July 2017
Was staying at Premier Inn just a few days before Christmas. Checked in and went to the car to get my case. Caught my foot in a hole in the pavement and my face caught the brunt of the accident. Broken glasses, scarred face across my nose, my eyebrow, cheek and eye. My daughter managed to get ice from the weavers to reduce the swelling. So now was badly scarred with a black eye. The Manager at the Weavers admitted responsibility and asked me to submit my claim. A few weeks later I did this for new glasses, cleaning of my tweed jacket and dental bill when my tooth eventually fell out.
I have telephoned the Manager regarding my claim, (which was submitted six months ago) on many occasions and her way of dealing with it is to ignore my calls.
Do you think this warrants an "excellent" customer care award?.
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Map showing Weavers Mill on Camperdown Leisure Park